mercredi 27 juin 2018

A little too short for a stormtrooper ?

As requested on the Star Wars Miniatures Facebook Page… here is a scale comparison of the Shapeways K-2 with different kind of miniatures. from small to K-2. The smallest is the very vintage West End Games miniatures line for WEG Star Wars RPG, the two next stormtroopers are from Wizards of The Coast "Star Wars Miniatures", the size was not consistant so I took a standard size (small) and a bigger (I think the tallest of them all). Last but not least, The huge Star Wars Legion Stormtrooper is towering above all the WOTC miniature range.
Hope it will help to figure out the scales of those "a little too short" guys…

samedi 2 juin 2018


Two cans of GW spray paints are dead today!  One Zandry Dust for the good guys and one Mournfang Brown for the baddies !

I don't know how long it will take me to paint all that crazyness! It took me many nights to build the whole stuff, but now it's done and READY TO PLAY!

The almighty Cthulhuesque "Ancient One"

Who you gonna call?


Zombies and snake people

Rats and Bandits. Well, most exactly, mutant rats and mutated bandidos.

An finally the players characters, Native shaman, Marshall, Saloon girls, Bandidos, Drifter, Nun with a shotgun and my favorite : Samouraï!! All Player characters come with both male and female variant!! Awesomeness in resin!